
  • DJI drones to aid Chinese authorities to fight coronavirus

    DJI drones to aid Chinese authorities to fight coronavirus

    DJI has stepped up to help Chinese authorities explore new technologies to take on the coronavirus. The DJI drones will be used to disinfect public areas around China and have already pledged USD$1.5 million in the fight to stop coronavirus. The drones will be used to disinfect public areas at a much faster rate than the current…

  • Chinese drones are yelling at people due to coronavirus

    Chinese drones are yelling at people due to coronavirus

    Chinese drones have been yelling at people over the last few weeks in an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus anymore that it already has. The drones have been flying around various provinces, finding people on the street without any face masks on. The video was released on Twitter, by a Chinese news outlet,…