Flirtey’s latest critical drone delivery patent granted

Flirtey’s latest critical drone delivery patent granted

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Flirtey has been granted it’s latest drone delivery patent by the United States Patent Office for the safe and precise delivery of packages. The patent covers the hardware and software used to ensure the packages are delivered safely and securely.

The patent (US Patent 10,618,655 B2) covers the key technology used by Flirtey and other companies in the drone industry to ensure delivers can be made reliably and effectively as well as ensuring packages can be picked up by the drone while hovering above the pickup location. The patent exactly covers the locking mechanism used to ensure the packages are held while in flight and released at the correct time.

Flirtey’s CEO and Founder, Matthew Sweeny has shared his excitement in Flirtey being granted the patent, saying that the patent is covering the foundation of safe drone deliveries and package pickups from hovering drones.

How does it work?

The mechanism covered by the patent is a gravity activated lock when the package is attached to the drone the lock engages and ensures the package stays attached to the drone while in flight. When the package is delivered, it lands on the ground and the weight of the package is no longer held by the drone, allowing the lock to release and drop the package off safely. A simple solution to a major safety feature of hover and lower delivery drones.

Keep up with the rest of our coverage of Flirtey, from its latest delivery drones to its drone delivery operations around the world. Flirtey was founded in 2013 by Matt Sweeny, Ahmed Haider and Tom Bass in Australia. Flirtey has worked with the likes of Dominos and 7-Eleven to deliver food to customers while also working with New Zealand Land Search & Rescue and medical companies to set up an automated external defibrillator (AED) drone delivery service in the United States.

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