Chinese drones are yelling at people due to coronavirus

Chinese drones are yelling at people due to coronavirus

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Chinese drones have been yelling at people over the last few weeks in an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus anymore that it already has. The drones have been flying around various provinces, finding people on the street without any face masks on.

The video was released on Twitter, by a Chinese news outlet, Global Times, the video shows various shots of a drone flying around and getting close to people outside without a face mask. The drone operator can be heard questioning and telling people to go back to their houses due to the ‘unusual times’ is in right now.

The drone can be heard telling an old lady, “Yes, auntie, this is the drone speaking to you. You shouldn’t walk about without wearing a mask. Yes, you’d better go back home, and don’t forget to wash your hands.”

The drone continues to confront people and eventually even confronts a child walking around in the road. We aren’t able to verify the legitimacy of the video, but it sure is a creepy use of drones if it is, in fact, real. Let us know what you think of the video? Do you think it’s real or fake?

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