The company that brought us the Hover series of drones is back again with a new drone, this time a little different. ZeroZero Robotics has released the V-Coptr Falcon, a bi-copter with a 4K camera, a flight time of 50 minutes, and a unique flight system.
The bi-copter design is one not seen often in the consumer drone market as companies prefer the more standard quadcopter design. The bi-copter can stay in the air longer as it only has to power two motors instead of four motors, like DJI’s drones.
The V-Coptr Falcon uses tiny servos to allow the two motors to swivel back and forth on to ensure the drone stays stable while flying. The drone is equipped with a 4K camera like the one found on the original DJI Mavic Pro. While the bi-copter won’t be competing with DJI’s latest drones it is a great idea and hopefully means a future b-copter will have some impressive specs.
Given the drones from ZeroZero Robotics created in the past, we are excited to see what’s coming. Would you purchase a bi-copter or are you sticking with the more traditional drone with four, six or eight motors?
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