DJI drones can fly over people in Canada with parachutes

DJI drones can fly over people in Canada with parachutes

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DJI drones with parachutes have been approved by Transport Canada to fly over people if you have a license. Drone parachute maker ParaZero Technologies have released parachutes for the DJI Phantom 4 series along with the DJI Mavic 2 series.

ParaZero currently has 2 models for DJI drones, the SafeAir Phantom 4 and the SafeAir Mavic. Both models provide extra safety and features to the drones. The parachute allows itself to be autonomously released once it picks up the drone is no longer in control, it can deploy at low altitudes along with stopping the motors once the parachute is deployed. The SafeAir system also has a black box allowing for data on the indecent to be collected and analyzed. The parachute can also be repacked after each deployment.

The SafeAir parachute system is great for flying over people as well as lowering the cost of drone insurance. However, due to drone laws in many countries, you will not be allowed to fly over people or crowds with the parachute attached. The parachute does making flying over people a reality which has been introduced with various new drone laws you are required to follow in Canada.

Drones must now be registered and marked with the registration number visible on the drone to fly. If you want to fly you are required to get a Pilot Certificate – Basic Operations, if you fly in more conditions and over people, you will be required to get a Pilot Certificate – Advanced Operations with age limits of 14 and 16 years old respective. You can now expect to pay a fine up to $25,000 and jail time for putting the drone or people at risk. Learn more about Canada’s drone laws.

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